Monday, 26 March 2007

Revival of the Long Lost Pictures

I gotta admit I've been wasting time on my computer, but then again - aren't they just perfect for procrastination? As much as I have to get three assignments done for school, I also have a short attention span. Could be from the cold draft that's carrying icy winds through my house, or just from having the concentration skills of a ADD teenager without any Ritalin. I've been cleaning up my picture folder, trying to discard the ones that just take up room and sort the others that I've decided to keep. But by doing that I've also stumbled across many images I forgot about, reminding me why I kept these pictures:

Only in the UAE - apparently the largest couch in the world, owned by a Skeikh in Abu Dhabi (the rainbow Sheikh I think...). I wonder if they'd use a ladder to get on top!

Speaking of Dubai, here is a recentish aerial photo of the city now. It looks like a whole new city to when I was there last (7 years ago). Those formations in the water are man made islands, littered with houses, shops, land to buy etc.

A sign for a Gynecology Examination in Shanghai, China :)

I'd love to own a set of these puppets!

A MacGuyver multitool, don't leave home without it.

I wonder if they still sell these. Though, the last book will tell us for sure whether Dumbledore is actually dead or not.

This week I've been wondering whether taking photos and accumulating them is more a female influence trait, or genderless. The people I know who hoard photos are female, yet the "photographers" who take the art seriously seem to be more of the male kind. Makes me wonder, is it the structure of our society that influences such things, or is it our personal agency of self identity and individualism that influences it more. Are happy snaps fundamentally a feminine trait? The debate continues - structure Vs agency.



gilda said...

oh wow i loved those photos they were pretty funny! haha1 thanks for posting them up!

Large Rugs said...

Wow - that couch is amazing, I can't believe it's real. A novelty, but it must be very fun! Keep up the great work

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